Welcome to Clicktofournisseur’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)! We have gathered here the questions most frequently asked by our Clicknautes users to help you quickly find the answers to your questions. We realize that our platform may raise questions and we hope that this FAQ can help you resolve them. If you cannot find the answer to your question in this FAQ, do not hesitate to contact us directly via our contact form if you have already made your request in the seller's announcement. We will all do our best to help you as soon as possible.

  1. How to find a product on Clicktofournisseur?
  2. What are the guarantees for purchasing on C licktofournisseur ?
  3. How can I contact the seller?
  4. How can I track my order?
  5. What are the forms of payment accepted ?
  6. Can I cancel my order?
  7. What are the delivery times ?
  8. Can I return a product?
  9. How are delivery costs calculated?
  10. How are disputes between buyers and sellers managed?
  11. I have not yet received a refund for my order, what should I do?