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Kitchen appliances

Find the following items in this collection: Kitchen appliances, Knife sharpeners, Electric kettles, Garbage disposals, Ice crushers and crushers, Wine cellars, Cup warmers, Meal warmers, Keeping warm appliances, Containers for cooked rice , Heating lamps for food, Steam tables,

Household waste compactors, Freezers,

Cookers and steamers, Egg cookers, Slow cookers, Rice cookers, Steam cookers, Water ovens, Slow cookers, Range cookers, Food dehydrators,

Vacuum packaging, Juice extractors, Water filters,

Ovens, Camping ovens, Microwave ovens, Fryers, Food smokers, Outdoor grills, Electric grills and barbecues, Electric grills and toasters, Waffle makers, Quesadilla and tortilla makers, Waffle makers, Toasters, Pretzel machines, Donut machines, Muffin and cupcake machines, Panini and croque machines, Pizza machines, Mini ovens,

Extractor hoods, Dishwashers, Cotton candy machines, Hot drinks machines,

Coffee machines and espresso machines, Filter coffee makers, Italian coffee makers, Vacuum coffee makers, French press coffee makers, Espresso machines, Percolators,

Carbonating machines, Ice makers, Slush machines, Soy milk machines, Mochi machines, Bread machines, Popcorn machines, Pasta machines, Tea machines, Fondue pots and sets, Mills and choppers,

Gas planchas, Hot plates,

Water coolers, Food mixers and blenders, Refrigerators, Rotisseries, Electric frying pans and woks, Ice cream makers and ice cream makers,

Hobs, Chocolate temperers,

Meat slicers,

Yogurt makers, emulsifiers and milk frothers


€149,00 EUR


€139,00 EUR